First Line Therapy
Wentworth Health Partners Dover Women's Health
Specialty Care
Mindfulness and lifestyle for health and wellness
Welcome to Dover Women’s Health First Line Therapy Program!
Our First Line Therapy program is a functional approach to health and wellness through lifestyle modifications and mindfulness practices. It is individualized to you and your specific needs. The goal is “balance” – hormonally, blood glucose, mind, body and spirit.
The assessments we make are based on sleep, stress, exercise and nutritional habits. Each visit assesses weight, body composition, waist and hip measurements and hydration. Recommendations are made, working together, to set health goals specifically for your needs.
About the program
The first session is 90 minutes in length, addressing nutritional status, baseline measurements and goal setting. The second and third visits are 60 minutes each, addressing anything that needs refinement or change. Subsequent visits are 45 minutes in length and are patient directed, depending on their need for accountability.
How does this program help me lose weight?
First Line Therapy is different from other weight loss programs as it addresses the underlying causes of chronic disease by teaching individuals stress reduction techniques, personal exercise recommendations, sleep hygiene and health attitudes around food consumption, thereby creating healthier body composition and feelings of well-being/balance.
Claudia L. Lynch, RN, BSN, is certified Lifestyle Educator/ facilitator of First Line Therapy at DWH. She has been employed in a variety of nursing modalities for over 30 years, including hospital, private duty, elementary school, and medical offices. Her training has included hospice, cancer society volunteer, holistic nutrition classes and a certification in Lifestyle education. She joined Dover Women’s Health in 2010 as a Lifestyle Educator and facilitates our First Line Therapy Program. Claudia educates and empowers patients, individually, supporting mindfulness, structured guidance, and lifestyle modifications so that balanced health can be achieved.
Conditions this program can help
Many chronic diseases - like heart disease, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and osteoarthritis - can be better managed, or prevented, with healthier lifestyle choices. This specialized program is recommended for the following conditions:
● Polycystic ovary syndrome
● Premenstrual syndrome
● Menopause symptoms
● Obesity and for those who are overweight
● Stress-related disorders
● Fatigue disorders
The First Line Therapy® program offers:
● Body composition testing
● Consultation with a physician
● Easy-to-follow eating guidelines
● Exercise and lifestyle counseling
● Optional nutritional supplements
● Progress tracking
Wentworth Health Partners Dover Women's Health
700 Central Avenue
Dover, New Hampshire 03820
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Office: (603) 742-2424
Fax: (603) 742-1763
Wentworth Health Partners Dover Women's Health - Portsmouth
67 Corporate Drive (Building A) Suite 300
Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Office: (603) 742-2424
Fax: (603) 742-1763