Work with our certified Cardiac Rehabilitation teams to fight the progression of cardiovascular disease, make lifestyle modifications or even recover from surgery or a heart attack.
Our various Cardiac Rehab programs are tailored to fit your needs.
We have a professionally supervised Cardiac Rehab exercise program, certified by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation, for those recovering from heart attacks, coronary artery bypass surgery, valve repair or replacement surgery, stable angina or percutaneous coronary artery intervention (PCI) procedures such as stenting and angioplasty.
Improve your physical fitness and health, while lessening cardiac symptoms and reducing the risk of future heart problems.
Learn how to make better lifestyle choices and perform daily life activities, as well as improve your functional abilities.
Our series of team-supervised outpatient exercise sessions are tailored for your safety and progress as you recover.
You also may opt for our continuous, supervised group exercise program to maintain cardiovascular fitness on an ongoing basis.
Be Heart Healthy. Stay Heart Healthy.
For more information, call Collette Carville, RN, at (603) 740-2132, or Vicki Mancuso, RN, at (603) 740-3323.