Spiritual Care
Support & Guidance
Spiritual Care
Care of the human spirit is critical to health. It is the work of our entire staff. Chaplains, however, are specialists, trained in human understanding, pastoral counseling, religious and cultural traditions. They are available to all patients and loved ones to provide a listening presence, guidance in mindfulness and prayer, support through decision-making, and help finding purpose.
We have two full-time chaplains, Michele Guest Lowery, MDiv, who is board certified, and Joshua Goulet, MDiv, MA. A third chaplain, Karin Wetmore, MDiv, PhD, is available on a part-time basis.
What to Expect from a Chaplain
Emotional support and gentle spiritual guidance when:
- Feeling anxious, afraid or upset
- Struggling with emotional, spiritual or religious questions or with the meaning of an illness
- Wrestling with difficult treatment choices or ethical dilemmas
- Observing spiritual practices or religious rites
- Inviting your faith community leader
- Grieving
- Dealing with difficult news
- Preparing mindfully for surgery
Meditation Room
Our Meditation Room is located near our Main Lobby on the first floor across from elevators 1 and 2. It is a quiet, restful space, available to patients, families, and staff 24 hours a day for reflection, meditation or prayer.
Chaplains are available
Monday through Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Call 603-740-2824 or ask a staff person to call.