Preparing For Surgery
Surgical Care
Getting Ready for Surgery
You can expect a call from our nursing team within two weeks of your surgery date. They will discuss your health history and give you any needed instructions to best prepare for your surgery.
Please complete any ordered tests, including lab work, x-rays, or an EKG.
Unless you have received specific instructions from your surgeon, do not eat any solid food after midnight before your surgery including gum, mints or candy.
You may be able to have clear liquids (at the discretion of your surgeon) up to 2 hours before your arrival time. This includes liquids you can see through such as water, Gatorade, apple juice, cranberry juice, black coffee, or tea (no dairy, dairy substitutes/powders, or liquids containing pulp).
Please confirm your ride home from the hospital – you will need a trusted adult to accompany you (please note you may not use Uber, Taxi, Care Van, or other public transportation to go home after anesthesia unless you are accompanied by an additional responsible adult).
Arrange for someone over the age of 18 to stay with you for the rest of that day and night following surgery.
Dress for recovery and wear what you will feel most comfortable in for your trip home. Your goal is to avoid any unnecessary pressure on sensitive surgery sites.
Shower or bathe the night before or the day of surgery to minimize the chance of infection. Please follow any special instructions provided by your surgeon. Do not shave or clip the surgical area prior to surgery. After showering, please do not apply lotion, powder, aftershave, cologne, perfume, hair products, makeup, chapstick, or nail polish (also avoid toenail polish if your surgery involves a lower extremity).
Please remove all jewelry and piercings.

What To Bring
Please bring photo ID and insurance card(s) with you.
Please be prepared to provide a list of medications you are currently taking. This will be reviewed again with your nurse in pre-op.
Don’t forget any equipment you may need post-operatively or have been instructed to bring by your surgeon.
If you wear contacts, you will also need your glasses. Don’t forget to bring cases for both!
Bring an overnight bag if you are staying overnight.
Feel free to bring a book or magazine.
If your child is having surgery, please bring a comforting toy or blanket.
Where to park and how to get to Same Day Surgery
Please park in the Parking Garage and enter the hospital through the Main Entrance.
To get to Same Day Surgery, continue straight past the sitting area then take a left. Continue down that hallway and you will see elevators 8 and 9 to your left. Take either elevator to the 2nd floor. Go to the left off the elevator to check in at the registration desk. Please have your ID and insurance card ready. Staff will escort you to the Same Day Surgery department. You are welcome to have one friend or family member accompany you until your surgery time.
We offer a family texting option if you wish for a friend/family member to receive updates of progression of surgery. To enroll in this, the friend/family member must be present to sign consent day of surgery.
If you are being admitted for a C-section or a procedure within the Women and Children's Department (External Versions included): Please park in the parking garage and enter through the Garrison Wing entrance. Proceed to Elevator 13 or 14 and go to 2nd floor.
When to Arrive
The Center for Surgical Optimization and Preadmissions Services will call you between 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. the evening before your surgery to provide you with your arrival time. For Monday surgeries, you will receive a call on Friday evening. If the call is not answered, a voicemail will be left.
Special Considerations
Depending on your health history, type of surgery and your surgeon’s recommendation, you may be scheduled for an appointment with one of our providers from the Surgical Optimization Center.
A parent or legal guardian must accompany any patient under 18 to sign consent forms and is expected to stay at the hospital while the child is here.
Contact your surgeon immediately if you experience any change in your health before surgery. Report cold symptoms, cough, fever, infection, dental issues, skin issues or new injury to surgical site.
Let your surgeon know if you are a woman of childbearing age and suspect you may be pregnant.
Your surgery may be cancelled or rescheduled if:
- You have not arranged for a responsible adult to drive you home after your surgery. You also will need someone to stay with you for 24 hours after having anesthesia.
- You have not followed the eating and drinking fasting instructions.
- You have not followed instructions regarding what medications to take/not to take.
- You are ill on the day of your surgery.
Please call the Center for Surgical Optimization and Preadmissions Services at 603-740-3298 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with any questions.