Breastfeeding Support
Breastfeeding Support
The Women & Children’s Center is committed to supporting all new moms achieve their breastfeeding goals. As a Baby-Friendly designated hospital, our policies and care practices meet the gold standard for mother/ baby care practices related to breastfeeding. We offer education and resources to encourage breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding is a healthy choice and a wonderful way to bond with your baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months. Breast milk provides all the nutrients that a baby needs for good growth and development. No other foods or supplements are necessary, and can actually reduce milk supply.
Family-Centered Care
At Wentworth-Douglass, breastfeeding support begins from the moment your baby is born and he or she is placed on your chest. This skin-to-skin time increases bonding, gets breastfeeding off to a good start, keeps the baby warm and calms mom and baby.
During your stay, we encourage rooming in to allow mom and baby to remain together 24 hour a day. Rooming in promotes exclusive breastfeeding; helps baby feed better and for longer; and helps prevent jaundice. Rooming in also helps moms begin to recognize feeding cues, which can include:
- Licking lips and moving tongue out over bottom lip
- Rooting
- Fists to mouth
- Sucking motions
- Rapid eye movement seen beneath the eyelids when asleep
- Crying (a late sign of hunger)
To help get mom and baby off to a successful breastfeeding start, we will not give babies any other food or drink other than breastmilk, unless medically indicated. We also will not offer any pacifiers, dummies or soothies to breastfeeding babies, since using pacifiers may cause latch difficulties for some babies.
Every family is supported by nurses with extensive breastfeeding education, and board certified lactation consultants are available to answer your questions. Once you go home, our lactation consultants are available by phone to offer on-going support.
For questions are assistance, you can contact the Lactation Consultants at (603) 740-2233.
Breastfeeding Class
Our breastfeeding class is intended for women who are planning on breastfeeding or who are considering breastfeeding. Lactation consultants/counselors will discuss the advantages of breastfeeding, how to get started and stay breastfeeding, how to continue breastfeeding once returning to work and much more! Partners are encouraged to attend as well. Visit our Childbirth Education page for a link to days and times of classes: Register for our Breastfeeding Class
Healthy Choices
Making healthy choices when breastfeeding includes caring for yourself, avoiding smoking, eating healthy meals, and avoiding those things that can affect your baby through your breastmilk. Medications, alcohol, cigarettes, and street dugs (including marijuana) can all pass to your baby through your breastmilk. Only take medication prescribed by your doctor, and make sure your doctor is aware that you are breastfeeding when he/she gives you a prescription.
Read more about Making Healthy Choices When Breastfeeding [PDF].
Breastfeeding Information