It can be daunting coping with the effects of an acquired brain injury like a stroke, brain tumor, traumatic brain injury or other neurological condition.
It’s why we bring together all of the clinical experts you’ll need to face that challenge in our regionally-recognized outpatient Neurological Rehabilitation Day Program at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital.
Improve your cognition and communication. Master overcoming some of your physical and social deficits. Promote your independence within community and work environments.
Connect with the support resources needed, whether that’s prosthetics, orthotics, vocational rehabilitation or neuropsychology.
Our interdisciplinary team is here to create a customized treatment plan for you immediately following your thorough initial evaluation.
Throughout your journey, we will be here regularly reviewing your plan, pulling together whatever you might need, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and social work.
We know what it takes to succeed.
Meet your challenges. Be our next success story.
For more information about the Neurological Day Program, please contact Rehab Services at (603) 740-2101.