There are many ways you can support our patients and the communities we serve.
Your tax-deductible gift helps to fund programs, services and scholarships that directly support our patients and communities. Visit the Wentworth-Douglass Foundation to learn more.
Learn MoreWentworth-Douglass Hospital's senior volunteer force includes more than 160 men and women who devote countless hours serving the hospital's patients and staff. Volunteers play an important role in offering the additional support that makes Wentworth-Douglass warm and inviting for patients and families.
Our goal is to assist you in finding a volunteer placement you will enjoy. Some volunteer opportunities include:
Patient Representatives are specially trained volunteers who visit with patients.
We have volunteer opportunities at the hospital in Dover and some of our off-site locations, including the Wentworth-Douglass Hospital Portsmouth Outpatient Center.
For more information about volunteer opportunities at Wentworth-Douglass Hospital, please call Jackie Small at (603) 740-2837.